Saturday, September 02, 2006

Secrets of a little lady fish


A little fish swam between the lines of her live
She was always very comfortable in the water

Sometimes worshipped her tears
returning them to God,
as He gave her this particular task
After some years the fish felt heavy
and tired,
full of unwept tears
God seemed to far away
to be concerned about the
agony of her heart,
carrying the dreams and tears of mankind

Besides there was always
DANGER around the corner
For the little fish
Who had no shoal
to learn how to live
deal with other fish
to hide and be part of

But instead she found other little fish to take care of
and handicapped fish she met on her way
swimming in a colourful pattern
she wove from all experiences she gathered
on her way through the rough sea
she was born in

Never stayed too long anywhere
Quick and swift as she was

As lovingly as elusive

But today there was a difference…..

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