Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Before he sent his children to earth


God, before He sent His children to earth, gave each of them a very carefully selected package of problems. "These," He promised smiling, "are yours alone and no one else, may have the blessings these problems will bring to you.And only you have the special talents and abilities that will be needed to make these problems your servants.
"Now go down to your birth and to your forgetfulness.Know that I love you beyond measures.These problems that I give you are a symbol of that love.The monument that you make of your life, with the help Of these problems, will be a symbol of your love for me,Your Father."

1 comment:

Abhishek said...

Monument was a really good read.. i don't know dutch.. i'm sure i'd love reading ur other posts if i knew dutch coz i liked the kind of stuff you've written in english :)
didn't know u celebrate holi